Ag AI Agents
We are living in an extraordinary era where technology blurs the line between human capability and artificial intelligence. AI Agents are, in essence, specialized digital personas-computerized entities designed to excel at specific tasks with remarkable precision and efficiency. They aren't meant to replace people but to support them, enhancing their capabilities and freeing them to focus on what truly matters.
Take farms, for example. Every farm requires a team of experts-specialists who can provide sound advice, conduct research, and handle time-consuming administrative and online tasks. Unfortunately, most farms, especially small or struggling ones, can't afford to hire such teams. This lack of resources often leaves farmers juggling multiple roles, stretching themselves too thin, and unable to reach their full potential.
We aim to change that. By introducing AI Agents tailored to the needs of farmers, we can provide them with the virtual support they've been missing. These agents will bring expertise, efficiency, and assistance directly to their fingertips, helping them overcome challenges, make informed decisions, and thrive in a competitive landscape. Our vision is to create a world where no farmer is left without the resources they need to succeed, and where AI becomes a trusted partner in building a sustainable, prosperous future for agriculture.
What became Oatmeal AI started on December 13, 2024, that's when the first official company meeting was held.
Development commenced on December 16, and by January 1, 2025, the team had grown to include 10 members, a five-person board, two executive officers, and three design pods led by dedicated pod leads. Since then, the team, the work, and the excitement have continued to grow.
Why pods? We use the term "pods" instead of "teams" because we believe we are all part of one unified team. Pods are simply smaller groups that focus on specific tasks, but their work is interconnected and serves the greater mission. By using this language, we emphasize collaboration, unity, and a shared purpose, ensuring there’s never a division or competition within the company.
Culture is at the heart of everything we are building. It's not just a buzzword for us-it’s a guiding principle that shapes our structure, our processes, and how we operate every day. Our organizational chart reflects this commitment, resembling a tree where the board forms the roots, the executive team serves as the trunk, and the pods extend outward like branches. This structure reinforces our belief that leadership exists to support, not command.
The board's primary role is to provide stability and nourishment to the executive team, enabling them to thrive. In turn, the executives focus on empowering the pods, the groups responsible for delivering the work that drives our mission forward. Together, the entire organization is dedicated to a single purpose: supporting the people who produce food, and by extension, nourishing the rest of the human race.
This culture of support isn’t just a nice idea-it’s a core value ingrained into everything we do. Every decision, every interaction, and every task reflects our commitment to lifting each other up so that together, we can lift up those who feed the world.